Pregled in strategija

Pregled vašega marketinga in strategija za povečanje prodaje

Naredimo pregled
10 mio
Ustvarjenih prihodkov
za stranke
200 +
Izpeljanih kampanj
30 +
Širitev na nove trge
12k +
Izdelanih oglasnih kreativ

Začne se s podatki

Podjetnik verjame v svoj produkt in zgodbo. Mi pa verjamemo v podatke. Zato priporočamo audit obstoječega marketinga kot izhodišče za postavitev prave strategije spletne prodaje. Pod drobnogled vzamemo vse faze prodajnega lijaka in analiziramo obstoječe podatke. To nam omogoča vpogled v priložnosti za rast in različne scenarije potencialne rasti. 

Kdaj ste nazadnje celovito pregledali vaš marketing?

Kako so nastavljeni pixli in eventi? Kako je nastavljena analitika? Kakšne imate kreative v primerjavi s konkurenco? Kakšne imate v primerjavi z industrijo? Kako izkoriščate plačljive kanale, kot so Facebook, Google, TikTok ali influencerje? Kako performa vaša spletna trgovina? Kako profitabilni ste z vašim oglaševanjem in kako lahko profitabilnost povečate?

Od ekipe, ki je ustvarila že več kot 40 milijonov evrov prometa

Ena izmed prednosti performance agencij je, da imamo priložnost sodelovati pri rasti spletne prodaje od najmanjših in do največjih podjetij. Znanje in izkušnje, ki smo jih pridobivali na slovenskih in tujih spletnih trgovinah boste lahko dobili iz prve roke od profesionalcev, obsedenih z rastjo in rezultati.


Our clients can double their revenue in the first 6 months of collaborating. But don't hear it from us, hear it from them.

Don’t take our word for it, take theirs!

Andrej, CEO of Svet Pohištva

“Working with Bighead has enabled us to grow faster than ever before. After efficiently scaling Slovenia, they’ve helped us significantly increase sales in Croatian market while staying profitable. We now trust them with all of our performance marketing efforts.”

Tone, CEO @Špica

“Our marketing results have improved considerably, thanks to Bighead's specialized know-how. Their structured and agile approach allowed us to track activities and results weekly in 6 countries. Bighead has become the benchmark for our collaboration with agencies."

Rok Prevolšek, CEO @1Home

"Bighead and their growth strategy helped us increase our revenue and expand our sales to over 60 countries. Their responsiveness and speed of execution was exceptional."

Neli, CEO of The Royal Affair

"The biggest difference was in your approach. You really got to know the brand before starting any marketing activities. I know we are not your biggest clients but you never get that feeling. You are on top of everything, when I think of it you are already solving it."

Stanislav, CEO of Fragrance Perfumes

"Collaborating with Bighead brought remarkable growth to our company, as we increased our monthly revenue from €35,000 to €150,000. I attribute this success to the constant testing and implementation of new advertising approaches, which were crucial for our growth."

Dijana Stojadinović, vodja marketinga Biostile Srbija

"Bighead set high standards for agencies, since our collaboration provided us with valuable insights into new opportunities for enhancing our online business and reaching potential customers more effectively. We were particularly impressed with the agency's versatile approach and extensive knowledge of our niche market."

Dragana Koštomaj, CEO of Derma-Luxe

“Together with Bighead we covered multiple channels and focused on improving the website and SEO. The whole collaboration and workflow were brought to a higher level, which was reflected in the results. The work was done very professionally. We were pleased with the overall approach, their promptness and communication.


“The BHL team is very responsive, flexible and makes every effort to keep advertising running smoothly and delivering good results. Sales have increased significantly! I look forward to further cooperation and new common challenges."


"An energetic and positive young team with a good deal of technical and marketing knowledge. We learned how to understand the whole process of digital marketing and how to use it together with offline marketing."


"I made the right decision when deciding which agency to leave the reins of our online ads to. They have been with us since the start of the online store and it’s really nice to watch us all grow together. In all of this, I especially appreciate their professionalism, responsiveness, reliability and an exceptional sense for communication."


"From day one since we started working with BHL we saw a 3x increase in revenue, sometimes even more. They helped us realise the real potential of our e-commerce and what working with a competent marketing team with in-depth knowledge can bring to the table."


"We needed to optimize SEO on both of our Websites for Mondaine and Luminox in multiple countries. Thanks to Jerry and his team, we managed to improve a lot of e-commerce KPIs and are happy to work with them in the future."


"BigHead is doing all the online marketing campaigns that helped us grow up to 100% annually. The team is efficient and responsive and know what needs to be done to establish a brand in Central Europe!"

Rast spletne prodaje

Performance pristop k spletnim rezultatom

S pomočjo skrbno optimiziranega oglaševanja, detaljno pripravljene strategije in razumevanjem analitike smo pomagali že več kot 200 podjetjem iz Slovenije, Evrope in ZDA.

Celostna pomoč/storitev

S spletnim oglaševanjem, influencerji in email marketingom poskrbimo za rast spletnih rezultatov. Vi pa se tako lahko osredotočite na svoj poslovanje.

Širjenje v tujino

V celoti lahko lansiramo produkt v tujino, pomagamo pri strateški usmeritvi, pripravi lokaliziranih oglasov in kampanjah z lokalnimi influencerji.

Priprava izvirnih oglasov

Dober produkt si zasluži dobro zgodbo. Pomagamo ali prevzamemo lahko urejanje obstoječih materialov, po želji posnamemo tudi popolnoma nove za digitalne oglase. Od videov, animacij do GIFov za enostavne grafike.

z nami so rasli
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